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Dried Fruits


                       Dried Fruits

Dried fruits are a source of beneficial vitamins, acids, and minerals needed in the daily human diet. dried berries or fruits are rich in pectin,

Every type of dried fruit (whether it be prunes, dried apricots, or raisins) contains a unique complex of substances that have a beneficial effect on the body. They are useful for vitamin deficiency, depression, and even anemia.


The benefits of dried fruits

 Iron normalizes the processes of hematopoiesis. Dietary fiber and fiber are liable for the functioning of the stomach and therefore the entire alimentary canal.

For example, raisins have laxative properties. It is recommended for frequent constipation. Prunes normalize blood pressure, fights cancer. Dried apricots are useful for people who have diseases of the cardiovascular system. Dates strengthen male strength, and figs are famous for antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Dried fruits contain elevated glucose levels. Therefore, it is better for people with excess weight and diabetes mellitus not to eat dried fruits. The optimal dose for a daily diet maybe a few about 40 grams.

If you are allergic to fruits - plums, grapes, citrus fruits - then most likely there will be a reaction to dried fruits of these types.


How to choose the right dried fruit

When choosing and buying dried fruits, pay attention to their appearance. Quality fruits - whole, without cracks and mold. If possible, touch the dried fruit. The fruit should be elastic and firm, not dry.

For example, good raisins are black or brown, dried apricots are pale orange. If the dried apricots are bright orange, then they are treated with sulfites. High-quality prunes have a glossy sheen and bluish tint. The dates should not be heavily wrinkled and with sugar crystals.

The raisin's benefits for the human body are well known. But the dangers of raisins much less often we hear about. The usefulness of dried fruits for humans has long been proven. Raisins are just one of the most beloved delicacies among dried fruits for both adults and children.

Our distant ancestors knew about the benefits of dried fruits, who widely used them both in cooking and in folk medicine. By themselves, raisins contain a small number of useful elements: potassium, magnesium, and iron. As a source of fast energy, raisins will be very useful before an exam, competition, workout, or a long walk, Dates are the fruits of the Phoenix dactylifera, they need a stone inside. They are eaten mainly as dried fruits and have a really sweet taste.


History of dates

In ancient times, it was believed that dates contain all the necessary substances for a person, and by eating only them and water, you can live for several years. The experience of some historical characters confirm this.

The homeland of this plant is that the Middle East. Dates were one of the staple foods in the Arab diet. Wild dates were collected in ancient Egypt, images of the method of collecting fruits are found on the walls of tombs.

Dates also are highly prized in Islam - they're mentioned 29 times within the Quran.

 The benefits of dates

Dates have the highest percentage of carbohydrates of any other fruit at over 60 percent, but these sugars are not very harmful to the body. After all, dates also contain acids: niacin, riboflavin, and pantothenic acid. They promote the absorption of carbohydrates, regulate blood sugar levels. These fruits contain 23 more sorts of various amino acids that aren't found in most other fruits.

Dates have a high content of minerals: copper, iron, magnesium, zinc, manganese, potassium, calcium, fluorine, and others; also as vitamins: A, C, B1, B2, B6. The pectin and dietary fiber found in dates reduce the danger of certain cancers and have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal system.

 Dates contain no cholesterol at all. The product is low in calories, despite the high content of carbohydrates, therefore they are recommended to be used instead of sweets during diets.

Since the past, it had been believed that the fruits of date palms give strength, endurance, increase anticipation, and enhance the body's ability to resist various infections. Dates function as an honest tonic, in the recovery period after illness, Fruits saturate the body with useful substances as they are very nutritious and quickly satisfy hunger.

It is useful to have a snack with them on a long journey or during a hard day to replenish strength and improve brain activity, "says Alexander Voinov, nutrition and health consultant at WeGym fitness club chain. Doctors recommend using them for cardiovascular diseases due to the high concentration of potassium and magnesium in these fruits,

For certain diseases, it's worthwhile to eat dates with caution. And you should also limit their intake to all people due to the high content of carbohydrates, so as not to exceed the daily requirement. Alexander Voinov told about this: “It is necessary to exclude dates from the diet of diabetics since these fruits have a high glycemic index, which can cause a sharp increase in blood sugar levels. Also, you cannot eat them with fructose intolerance and with serious allergic diseases, so as not to provoke an attack. Sweet fruits can cause a cavity, so it's advisable to drink dates with liquid or rinse your mouth. Anyone shouldn't eat more than 15 dates a day, Fiber helps to enhance the condition of the intestinal microflora.

Dates are useful for pregnant and lactating women since the substances in dates helpful to the synthesis of the hormone oxytocin. It strengthens the walls of the uterus and helps to enhance labor. Oxytocin also contributes to the assembly of breast milk.


Almond (English name: Almond) is a deciduous tree of the genus Plum of the Rosaceae family. And nuts made from the seeds of this fruit.

In ancient times, it was called gentle ( tonsil ), and as the name suggests, it is a closely related species of apricots, peaches, and plums, and bears fruits similar to plums. But the flesh is not thin edible, remove the seeds of the shell Hitoshi portions as "raw almonds", it becomes edible.

There are sweet (sweet tonsils) and bitter (bitter tonsils), and the sweet ones are edible. There are more than 100 varieties of sweet almonds, but the main edible varieties are Nonpareil, California, Carmel, Mission, Bute, etc. is there. In addition to containing 55% fat, it also contains a large amount of vitamin B2. Bitters are used for medicinal purposes such as antitussives, flavoring agents, and raw materials for almond oil. 

The bitterness of bitter species is due to amygdalin, which is harmful when ingested in certain amounts. Amygdalin is hydrolyzed to produce the highly toxic hydrogen cyanide. Almond oil squeezed from almond seeds is used in cooking as well as as a carrier oil.

Bitter almonds are rich in amygdalin, a cyanide compound, so they have a bitter taste and are toxic when taken in large amounts. It is used for medicinal purposes such as antitussive and antispasmodic, and as a raw material for flavoring agents, bitter almond essence, and oil (bitter tonsil oil) because it contains a large amount of benzaldehyde. Italy of liqueur, amaretto also used for flavoring. Some countries, such as Italy, use it as a confectionery ingredient, but some countries, such as the United States, ban the sale of bitter almond seeds.

Vitamin E is the most abundant in foods (about 30 milligrams out of 100 grams). Vitamin E has an antioxidant effect that prevents the oxidation of body cells and blood vessels by active oxygen and is useful for preventing aging and excreting AGEs. It suppresses the oxidation of bad cholesterol, prevents the production of lipid peroxide, and helps prevent heart disease and diabetes. It also contains a lot of zinc, magnesium, potassium, and iron.

In addition, it contains abundant insoluble dietary fiber and activates the function of the intestines to promote intestinal regulation. It has the effect of absorbing and suppressing harmful substances and cholesterol. About 70% of lipids are monounsaturated fatty acid oleic acid, which contains a large number of polyphenols that maintain good cholesterol, control bad cholesterol, and do not oxidize. Its utility has been recognized since BC and is also described in the Old Testament. 

Our distant ancestors knew about the benefits of dried fruits, who widely used them both in cooking and in folk medicine. By themselves, raisins contain a small number of useful elements: potassium, magnesium, and iron. As a source of fast energy, raisins will be very useful before an exam, competition, workout, or a long walk,

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