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Healthy Food for Children's Teeth


       Healthy Food for Children's Teeth


Healthy food for children's teeth is well known that infancy is an important period for a person to develop healthy habits, including those habits that contribute to their lifelong oral health. This requires ensuring that parents have the correct knowledge and information to allow children to form correct habits through good feeding.

Children need many kinds of food to absorb nutrients and help teeth develop. In addition to the most important food groups, you can also add more superfoods to allow children to absorb more minerals, vitamins, fiber, and healthy fats to protect teeth.

Appropriate intake of sugary drinks, fruit juices, and sports drinks are okay, but when young children are used to drinking beverages rather than drinking water, the situation can be very bad. This makes their teeth vulnerable to acid attack, increases the risk of tooth decay, and has various other health problems, including excessive weight gain, picky diet, decreased appetite, and even diarrhea.

Weight loss soft drinks are not very good either. They are also acidic and can easily lead to tooth erosion and enamel wear. Although they may contain slightly less sugar than soft drinks, their acidity is similar. 

Healthy Food for Children's Teeth

Diet advice for children teeth from the perspective of diet and oral health, the wisest choice is fluorinated tap water-it is also the most convenient and cheapest option. We hope that parents can teach their children to consider water first and like drinking water because it can quench thirst most effectively.

Some parents prefer bottled water, but not all bottled water contains fluoride, so you need to be careful when buying it.

In addition, some filtration systems can remove fluoride in water, so this is not the best choice for oral health.

In the first year of life, babies mainly drink breast milk or infant formula. Starting from one year old, we recommend drinking at least a glass of milk a day, which accounts for about half of the recommended daily intake of dairy products. Milk is an excellent source of calcium intake, which is very important for strong and healthy teeth.

Some young children suffering from "bottle caries". This situation occurs more often when children do not brush their teeth after drinking milk at night. The sugar in the milk left around the teeth and gums can breed bacteria and cause tooth decay.

In terms of food, what are the main considerations that a child's diet is beneficial to good oral health rather than harmful?

The more processed foods and sugary foods children eat, the more likely they are to develop tooth decay, so it is important to limit the intake of sugary foods. Children often need snacks between meals. This can be seen as an opportunity to develop healthy eating habits, such as eating fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. Parents can even begin to develop these habits before their children’s first birthday, such as accustoming young children to eating fruit puree, eggs, rusks, peanut butter, pasta, cheese, and yogurt.

Although it may not be possible to ensure that the child eats the recommended amount of the five groups of foods a day, parents should try to put the right food in front of the children as much as possible. This is the basis for healthy eating habits.

Dairy products-milk, cheese and yogurt are not only easy to obtain, but they are also more appetizing for kids-and you will find some fruit and vegetable flavors that kids like.

Cereal foods-whether it is cereals, bread, rice, noodles, or pasta, can provide your children with the energy needed for growth, development, and learning. Children like these foods and these are usually their first choice.

Parents need to encourage their children to eat a variety of meat, fish, poultry, eggs, nuts, and beans from an early age to help them adopt standardized and healthy eating habits.

Children consume a variety of vitamins and minerals through a healthy and balanced diet to promote oral health. Calcium helps build and strengthen the enamel of bones and teeth.

It is also important to get enough potassium, phosphorus, and vitamins A, C, D, and K.

Vitamin D is related to direct sunlight, but we can also get vitamin D from fish and mushrooms.

Like vitamin D, potassium (bananas, avocados, tomatoes, potatoes, lima beans), and phosphorus (seafood, lentils, pumpkin seeds, cheese) support calcium absorption and enhance bone strength and density.

Vitamin C (citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, potatoes) can strengthen the soft tissues in the gums and mouth, while vitamin A (fish, egg yolk, liver, orange fruits and vegetables, green leafy vegetables) can help keep mucous membranes healthy.

Healthy Food for Children's Teeth

Parents can teach their children to eat some green vegetables, especially broccoli, Brussels sprouts, spinach, and kale. The vitamin K they contain can help prevent the breakdown of bones and help your body produce osteocalcin (a kind of support Bone strength protein).

Raisins, figs, oatmeal energy bars, oatmeal or peanut butter biscuits, Regan sugar, caramel, honey, molasses, and syrup, saliva is difficult to wash away such foods that stick to the teeth. If children consume such foods, help them brush their teeth immediately after they eat them. If you plan to give children some desserts, you can arrange to give them to them at mealtime or immediately afterward.

Because the amount of saliva in the mouth generally increases during meal times, it is easier to wash away from the food residue on the teeth


How to cultivate eating habits.

Because parents want their children to be happy, sometimes they are too easy to obey their children's wishes.

Parents should be explaining to children the importance of healthy eating, especially for the growth of the body, and keep trying to find healthy foods that children like.

If parents insist on taking cheese or carrot sticks as snacks, children may complain or refuse from time to time at first, but if they are hungry, they will eat the food you give them, and once they get used to it, it is no longer one. The battle is over. On the contrary, if parents give up persistence and let them eat sugary drinks, French fries, candies, etc., then healthy eating habits will be difficult to develop, so start as soon as possible and be firm.

08 years old is the period of children's tooth replacement (that is, deciduous teeth fall off and permanent teeth grow). The first permanent teeth erupted at the earliest, the sixth-year-old molars have a role in positioning and height setting for the growth of the child's maxillofacial region, and affect the eruption of other teeth and whether they are neatly arranged. 

Permanent teeth accompany people for long life, so dental care during this period is of great significance. So, what should be paid attention to in the diet of children during the dental replacement period?

Eat more chewy foods during tooth replacement.

When the child is two and a half years old, you can give your child some low-sugar, coarse, hard, and fiber foods, such as fruits, carrots, corn, peanuts, soybeans, etc. Chewing can promote the development of gums, jaws, and facial bones, and can promote the growth and development of the roots of deciduous teeth and natural growth and shedding and chewing can promote the secretion of saliva and play the role of scrubbing teeth.

 Vegetable fiber, carrots, apples, and raw pears can play a mechanical role on the teeth when eating and wipe off the bacteria attached to the surface of the teeth. In addition, the pectin in fruits also inhibits bacteria. Vegetables contain many trace elements and a large amount of vitamin C, which are also very important anti-caries nutrients. Don't think that the child is small and only feed delicate foods.

This will easily form a "double row of teeth" and cause the teeth to be arranged unevenly. Think of it because the child needs to have tooth extraction when going to the dentist. After the anesthetic, it hurts a lot. It can't be solved by eating ice cream. So in order for the teeth to grow normally, you need to eat more chewy food.

Healthy Food for Children's Teeth

Develop good hygiene.

Many children like to eat sweets and drinks. When parents see their longing eyes, they can't bear to refuse, so they buy and buy. For their teeth grow up there beyond the dazzling white diamond-like, or to eat snacks, drink plenty of water, after dinner is also best to use warm water rinse mouth. Certain bacteria in the oral cavity can convert various sugars into lactic acid.

This acid can corrode tooth enamel, dentin, or cementum, which can easily form dental caries in the long run. Also to avoid eating excellent food, because it is hard to make up for the damage to the teeth.

Fresh and crispy vegetables.

If you are looking for chewy natural foods, crispy vegetables are a good choice, such as raw carrots, broccoli, mung beans, celery, or sweet beans. The skins of these vegetables are very hard, allowing children to chew after brushing their teeth to remove plaque that has not been brushed off. Parents can prepare some of these crispy vegetables as a snack for their children and encourage them to chew regularly.



Children over 3 years old can eat nuts, such as sunflower seeds, flax seeds, and chia seeds. These nuts are rich in minerals, healthy lipids, protein, and fiber. The natural lipids can also cover the teeth and block the invasion of bacteria. The ground nuts can also be sprinkled on the salad as a snack, very delicious and easy to carry. In addition, you can sprinkle some nuts on the cake to add extra nutrients. Moreover, the natural oil in nuts can strengthen the enamel (Enamel), and some nuts even contain calcium. It is recommended to store the nuts in the refrigerator to prevent damage.

Healthy Food for Children's Teeth

Dairy products.

Sugar-free dairy products are very important to the health of children's teeth. For example, cheese can stimulate saliva secretion, and the calcium in it can also improve the acidified minerals. Children's favorite milk, yogurt, and sugar-free ice cream also contain calcium and phosphates. Fortified milk is also rich in vitamin D, which can help children's bodies effectively produce calcium.


Fruits rich in vitamin C.

To avoid Gingivitis caused by bacteria, children can be supplemented with vitamin C-rich fruits every day. Many fruits are rich in vitamin C, such as oranges, limes, kiwi, cantaloupe, papaya, etc. In addition, berries are also a good choice. They are very nutritious and delicious. They can be eaten every day. Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, etc. are not only delicious but also rich in nutrients and antioxidants. Both berries and fruits rich in vitamin C can reduce bacteria in the mouth and replenish healthy collagen for the gums.


Sugar-free chewing gum.

Healthy food for children's teeth  If you don’t have time to prepare fruits or vegetables, you can choose sugar-free gum. Most chewing gum can remove plaque and improve the natural antibodies in the mouth. In addition, chewing sugar-free gum after meals can also prevent children from tooth decay and bad breath.

Parents are also a good role model. If you maintain healthy eating habits, it will be easier for children to develop the same habits.

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